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We Purchase Used & Unwanted Scrap Metal, Wiring, & More

North Star Metal Recycling is a premier metal recycling facility in Vancouver, BC. Since 1950, residents have relied on us to purchase used and unwanted scrap metal, appliances, copper wiring, batteries, and more. We offer top dollar for these materials to put money in your pockets and less harmful metal waste in our community’s landfills. What began as a simple marine scrap operation has evolved into a full-service company with a trucking fleet to offer our services across the Lower Mainland. Our state-of-the-art facility features digital scales, forklifts, and dump bins to make loading and unloading materials as convenient as possible for customers. We also offer easy pull-through access. Contact us today to learn more about how our metal recycling services work. We look forward to serving your needs!

Large Pile of Scrap Metal Ready for Recycling at North Star Metal Recycling in Vancouver

What Types of Metals and Items Does Your Facility Accept?

At North Star Metal Recycling, we accept everything from old washers, dryers, and stoves to demolition and industrial scrap metal left over from Vancouver-area job sites, including steel beams and iron rods. Below, please find a list of acceptable and non-acceptable items at our metal recycling facility. Should you have a question about an item not listed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable staff.

Metals and Items We Accept:

  • Appliances
  • Household scrap
  • Demolition scrap metal
  • Industrial scrap metal
  • Wiring
  • Radiators
  • BX cables and wires
  • Vehicle rims
  • Electric motors

Items We Do Not Accept:

  • Televisions
  • Appliances containing Freon gas
  • Cooling units containing Freon gas
  • Vehicles and bicycles
  • Computers

Understanding How Our Metal Recycling Process Works

Metal recycling is the process of reusing or repurposing scrap materials near their end-of-life as raw materials for new applications. It all starts when you bring your scrap metal to our facility. We will weigh your items using precise, digital scales and then evaluate your items and offer you a fair price. You should be in and out of our facility in an hour or less. Depending on our staff’s availability, our fleet of trucks can come to you to transport the materials directly to our facility. Once they have been weighed, sorted, and processed, metal items are chopped or stripped down to their raw form, which is then smelted and poured into molds to repurpose them.

We sell new materials to customers looking for steel and cast-iron pipes, sheet metal, steel flat bar, steel chains, and more. Because we recycle thousands of pounds of metals per day, our inventory rotates often. If your company is looking for large machinery or a commercial stainless-steel sink, you have come to the right place. There’s no telling what we may process on any given day of the week!

What Are the Many Benefits of Recycling Metals?

Recyclable metals can be reused to make more metals without degrading their quality, which helps preserve our planet’s limited supply of natural resources. The more we mine for new metals, the more energy is exhausted in the process. Less energy is used when we recycle metals, making it an energy-efficient and cost-effective endeavor. Metal recycling facilities such as North Star Metal Recycling don’t produce the harmful emissions seen coming from most mining and metal refining facilities. Finally, when metal costs go down due to recycling efforts, items made with metal also cost less for consumers, which helps boost the economy.

Serving Customers from Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, & More

North Star Metal Recycling buys used and unwanted scrap metal and more from customers hailing from North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Richmond, Squamish, Whistler, and surrounding communities. Our metal recycling facility in Vancouver is open six days a week for your convenience. You don’t need to make an appointment. Simply stop by, and we’ll take a look at your scrap materials. Once we have appraised your items, we will offer you a fair price according to their current market value. If you are looking for the best metal and copper prices in the Lower Mainland, give us a call to request a quote!

We Buy and Sell Metal and Much More