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Unique Machine Items Available for Sale in Metro Vancouver, BC

Purchase Large Machinery and Sheet Metal from a Trusted Leader

As one of the area’s premier metal recycling centers, we buy, sort, and sell thousands of pounds of metal every day. As you might expect, the team at North Star Recycling comes across a wide variety of working and non-working specialty units. We know the value of these units may hold to specific manufacturers and make them available for purchase. Our knowledge of these units allows you to find the large machinery you need to expand your business without having to pay full price. The nature of our business means there is always a revolving inventory of new pieces to find. We can carry anything from jewelry-making equipment to industrial-sized stainless-steel sinks.

Recycling Iron Scraps in Vancouver by North Star Metal Recycling

Items We Carry

We invite you to come to our facility and take a look at anything you find interesting. Our team is here to provide you with the assistance you need and ensure that you are wearing the appropriate safety gear. If you’re looking for a specific item, please feel free to call us, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. If we don’t currently have it, you can check back with us as our inventory is updated daily.

  • Sheet Metal – Sheet metal is the raw material used in any number of manufacturing projects. We have a massive selection of sheet metal available in varying gauges.
  • Steel And Cast-Iron Pipes – Steel and cast-iron pipes are used by residential and commercial plumbing companies to drain water and sewage.
  • Steel Chains – Steel chains have a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. It’s one of the more common items we have around our facility, so if you need a steel chain, visit us today.
  • Commercial Stainless-Steel Sinks – If you’re renovating your business and require a stainless steel sink, stop by our facility. We carry stainless steel sinks at a fraction of the price you’ll find at an appliance store.
  • Large Machinery – Almost every day, we process a large, unique commercial or industrial machine. You can find anything from printing presses to carpentry equipment, and much more. Because our items come directly from customers, there is no telling what we may process.
  • Fencing Unit – Metal fencing units can be erected to protect employees and passersby from hazardous areas.

The Benefits of Purchasing from Us

Purchasing metal products from North Star Metal Recycling offers a wide variety of benefits to both you and the environment. While the items we receive are not usually “new,” we often find products in excellent condition. Even broken machinery can be repaired or used for parts to alleviate the cost of purchasing new. If you need industrial metal or machinery, here’s why you should purchase from us:

  • Affordability – It will almost always be more affordable to purchase steel and metal machinery secondhand from North Star Metal Recycling than to buy new from the distributor. By purchasing from us, you could save yourself hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
  • Reduce Resources – New products require metal resources that have been mined from the Earth. If you purchase from us, you are helping to reduce the need for metal mining operations.
  • Reduce Pollution – When new products are created, a considerable amount of pollution is released into the atmosphere. Buying products second hand from North Star Metal Recycling helps to eliminate harmful pollutants.
  • Rotating Inventory – As the area’s leader in metal recycling, we recycle thousands of pounds of metal products a day. Our inventory is unmatched by our competitors. Even if it’s not here today, we may process it tomorrow. Whatever you’re looking for, our team can help you find it.

Reliable Recycling Services Since 1950

North Star Metal Recycling has provided residents in Metro Vancouver, BC, with reliable metal recycling services since 1950. Our goal is to ensure that our customers are always 100% satisfied with our service. Using the latest technology, including a digital scale, customers can feel confident that they receive a fair price when purchasing metal from our facility. Let our team help you find what you’re looking for during your next visit. We’re here to make your next trip to North Star Metal Recycling quick and convenient. Please feel free to reach out to us via phone or email. We also offer free quotes!

We Buy and Sell Metal and Much More